Anarquia Y Poesia

Banderas, Himnos y Uniformes

Banderas, Himnos y Uniformes


De que me sirve un escudo

Que ni siquiera me protege


De que me sirve un buen trabajo

Si mi salario es bajo y mi patrón me aborrece


Para que quiero una vida

Si no  puedo pagarla


Para que existe una alternativa a mis problemas

Si no puedo alcanzarla


He caminado muchos kilómetros

Buscando un buen escondite


He probado tierra y agua salada

Para calmar mí llanto


Y aunque la herida sigue sangrando

Los hombres egoístas

En política siguen ganando


El respeto la democracia y la autenticidad

Para ellos sale sobrando


Seguiré caminando

Aunque las veredas sean tortuosas

Y mis manos cansadas imploren piedad


No basta en verdad no basta con solo gritar

Si has perdido la noción del tiempo

Y lo importante no es ganar

No hagas nada que te pueda hundir aun más

Banderas Himnos y Uniformes

Para una sociedad intoxicada

Que se ha dado por vencida

Porque nadie se atreve a hacer nada.



Llámenme como quieran

Pero veanme avanzar



10 comentarios

arramnemetery -

Cuisinart DFP-14BCN 14-Cup Food Processor.

A perfect gift for new homemakers, the
Cuisinart food processor 7[/url]-[url=;u=16420
Cuisinart food processor blender[/url] has become an integral part of modern cooking, speeding up a multitude of processes, including kneading dough; slicing; chopping; shredding cheese, vegetables, and meat; mincing garlic and parsley; mixing batters; and emulsifying mayonnaise. Cuisinart's Custom [url=;username=reemoneri
Cuisinart food processor dlc[/url]-[url=
Cuisinart food processor dlc[/url] comes with a 14-cup work bowl; five basic attachments for slicing, shredding, chopping, mixing, and kneading; and also features two feed-tube options, one big enough to handle a whole potato. This processor comes with a compact cover for use when the feed tube isn't needed and a pulse control that allows the desired degree of fineness when chopping and puréeing. Remove the detachable stem for compact storage of discs. All the parts are dishwasher-safe and the motor base wipes clean. In addition, a custom-contoured spatula, a recipe booklet, and a 30-minute video designed to familiarize the new owner with the care and use of the [url=;u=90110
Cuisinart food processor blender[/url]-[url=
Cuisinart food processor dlc[/url] are included.

[url=]Cup cuisinart food processor[/url]

Christian Louboutin ka -

While looking at the calendar on my desktop, I find out that it's less than 20 days away from the XMAS. It is the time to prepare a present for my wife and family. Last year, the winter is so cold, I just bought her several [url=]UGG boots[/url] to warm her feet. But now my beautiful and slim girlfriend deserved more than before! I decide to give her a big pleasantly surprised, She love the high heel shoes so much, may be this is my best choice,[url=]Christian Louboutin shoes[/url] is a popular brand in recent years, the red high heels can make a girlfriend looks much more sexy, the special design and its high-quality raw materials also attract my eyes. The price may be a little expensive, how ever, it's worth the value. The high-heel shoes are favorites of ladies because the shoes adorn their legs, especially for the ladies whose legs are short. Maybe people usually saw high-heel shoes in the nightclubs 30 years ago, but now high-heel shoes help ladies a lot on dress up, no matter what you dress, it looks beautiful when you are wearing a pair of high-heel shoes and will attract men's eyes. The red sole design of Christian Louboutin is very beautiful,especially the [url=]Christian Louboutin Pumps[/url], it is also a sign of the Christian Louboutin for about 20 years, but the one I have booked at a online Christian Louboutin shop is red and black, it looks very graceful and special, I think my wife should like it very much when she see open the gift box. Well, you know, the XMAS holiday is a good time for dating, next year maybe I will buy diamond ring, but this year Christian Louboutin is the best Christmas gift. What about your gifts for your girlfriends or the other friends?

slomoSmusly -

Hello all I am new here. I have found something very interesting. Can you save $500+ by Christmas? You can try and here's how.
Stop paying for things you don't use. If you have not set foot in the gym since your New Year's resolution, ditch it. Cancel the subscriptions for magazines and papers you don't read. You can also raise your deductibles for home and auto insurance. Conservatively, that's $50 a month.

TalachO -

Bueno para que no esperen nada nuevo les aviso que la pecke ha sido raptada por extreterrestres de extrema derecha, por lo cual no podra continuar escribiendo, le deceamos una muerte no tan doloroza ya que segun los informes estan practicando raros experimentos kon ellla, primero le lavaron el coco con Aletargax un jabon utilizado principalmente por gente como Salinas de gortari anteriormente fue usado por franco y Hilter para controlar a las masas, aunque esperemos esto no traiga consigo el hecho de que la compañera claudique y comience a aborregarse en las filas de la gente "normal" y los yupis no se nos vaya aparecer diciendo que su nuevo pantalon es Genial,por que entonces si seria una pena.

OkC. un saludo a los chamizos y al viento, lo demas es cuestion de tiempo! anarquia aqui y ahora, en el corazon y pensamiento!.

TalachO -

Chale como que ya murio aqui el asunto RIP blog :( ayooos, no me sale nada :(

TalachO -

bueno que pues para kuando actualizas esto :s guacha namas las fechas de mis koments ¬¬ te kiero salu!

TalachO -

Que pedo wey :s
ya muevele, te aceleras

TalachO -

muahahaha! ya no stas enojada =D ajuaa :P oie wey dejate ver no iuu por el colectivo nos hace falta gente xD muajajaja y hay munchoaa chamba :P oie supaman
muajaja te pareces a arale te acuerdas de esa karikatura we xD eres arale pecke sale le kaigo arale :P te quiero un chorro arale bae arale te kiero arale :)

TalachO -

Qe pedo peke jhajaja y yto solo tengo uno para los tuyos

no te creas estan chilos me gusto este sta curis curis xD sores se te kiere ya sabes ah y oie perdon x lo del otro dia :/ andaba medio enfadoso y no me aguantaste la kura lo siento te qiero mensa ya sabes un shingo no stes aguitada konmigo va? :)

pecke696 -

sOlo queria pedir una disculpa por ausentarme.

